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SAP Invoice Tracking Center

Optimize your vendor invoice
management by maximizing the
return on your SAP investments.

Ecodocx LLC, trusted developer and leading provider of CCM and ECM solutions, reseller and integrator of Vendor Invoice Management solutions, helps customers to control incoming invoice work processes and to detect and prevent duplicate invoice payments. SAP Invoice Tracking Center (ITC) provides SAP AP Automation, installed and functioning in three to six weeks, at an easily justified cost. The ITC delivers the most desired AP Automation requirements: visibility, duplicate checking, audit functionality, non-PO approvals and PO exception handling.

  • Immediate access to all liabilities, even prior to posting of invoices
  • View the status of any invoice once scanned into the system
  • Duplicate invoice determination
  • View, print and email invoices directly from your desk; no searching for paper copies
  • Tightly integrated into SAP, eliminating the need for third party administration
  • Expedites non-PO approvals with workflow
  • Handles PO-based exceptions with workflow
  • MS Outlook and Mobile device integration
  • Reduces audit compliance time with mass download functionality
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