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OpenText World 2020: SAP-Centric Sessions


As we already mentioned in our previous blog posts, OpenText World 2020 is going to be an online event. This means – no travel required and a lot of great content available for a much wider audience. OpenText World 2020 is planned for Oct 26-29! It’s 100% tailored to the needs of the Information Management community. We’ve already explained how you can register a free seat in our last post called OpenText World 2020: Save Your Seat for Free Today! During the digital conference, attendees will hear live keynotes, join in-depth breakouts, and attend virtual labs to discuss the latest trends with industry experts.

As a huge number of OpenText customers and our subscribers are from the SAP sector, we thought it would make sense to share this list of SAP-centric sessions during OpenText World 2020. All sessions including those that are live and on-demand can be watched at any time from the event until 30th December 2020. Enjoy!


sap-related sessions on OpenText world 2020


Looking for OpenText Advice or Assistance?

If you need advice from an experienced OpenText/SAP partner, feel free to schedule a free of charge advisory session with us. Headquartered in Boston Massachusetts, our team of developers and support engineers have been working with OpenText solutions and modules for many years. Having delivered 600+ projects, we worked out a secure and comprehensive way to help organizations implement and customize OpenText products. We are looking forward to hearing from you.


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