Are you thinking to automate document-related processes, like order management scenarios in hybris Commerce Suite? Or do you look for ways how to customize the layouts for different customer segments? You might already have heard about the Document Presentment solution from OpenText, and that it’s heavily used to optimize customer communications processes within different SAP applications. Maybe you are already researching best practices to implement this solution. If that’s the case, keep on reading to learn which processes can be automated, how it works, and to ensure the best results during your upcoming optimization project. Click here to visit our OpenText Document Presentment for SAP Solutions page. Solution overview Today we are going to talk about integrating OpenText Document Presentment with SAP hybris by using a solution accelerator called hybris Digital Communication Framework B2B Order Confirmation by OpenText. This integration will allow you to create and format order confirmations and store the order confirmations with the order in SAP hybris Commerce Suite. The goal of this implementation is to: send to your company’s customers well-presented order confirmations by email allow business users to customize the layouts for different customer segments ensure business users have access to order confirmations Who can benefit from it? This implementation is recommended for SAP hybris customers who wish to streamline the process of an order confirmation, formatting, customization, delivery, storage and retrieval for orders placed in the hybris storefront. How does it work? 1. Customer places an order in the hybris storefront. Customer selects delivery method, payment type and other available options. 2. An xml with order information will be sent to OpenText Exstream (Document Presentment). 3. The StoryTeller application in OpenText Exstream (Document Presentment) merges the incoming data about the new order from the xml with a predefined rule-based order confirmation template into a PDF document. 4. The generated document will be sent to the customer’s email address as an email with PDF attachment. 5. OpenText Exstream (Document Presentment) sends the order confirmation back to SAP hybris. 6. The order confirmation document will be stored in SAP hybris Commerce Suite together with all the order information. It can be accessed by hybris users by using the Backoffice application. How to implement and customize it? The solution accelerator makes the process of the implementation way easier by offering customizable projects, document designs and output connectors. In case you have strong OpenText experts in your team, you can try to do the implementation by yourself. However, if you lack on strong expertise, we would recommend talking to an OpenText professional services partner. We at Ecodocx even offer free advisory sessions, where you can ask questions, and get support. Would you like to implement a similar order management scenario within your SAP hybris application environment? Contact us, and schedule a personalized free of charge consultation with one of our senior OpenText Exstream (Document Presentment) experts.