. OpenText Captiva Capture 7.6 Upgrade to Release 20 | Ecodocx Blog

Maintenance Period for OpenText Captiva Capture 7.6 Ends in December 2020


The current maintenance period for OpenText Captiva Capture 7.6 ending December 1, 2020


OpenText Captiva Capture 7.6 enters the end of support and the sustaining maintenance phase of its product lifecycle on December 1, 2020. With the transition of Captiva Capture 7.6 to sustaining maintenance, customers should consider upgrading OpenText Captiva to Intelligent Capture 20.2 to obtain the latest content updates and move to a fully supported version. For more information on the Intelligent Capture (formerly Captiva Capture) product lifecycle and support policy, visit our website.


Upgrading OpenText Captiva Capture to Intelligent Capture Release 20.2

Version 20.2 offers significant enhancements to Intelligent Capture, including:
Data-at-rest encryption–Phase II
  • Application-level encryption for additional at-rest stage files
  • Simplified configuration for in-flight and at-rest encryption
Usability Enhancements
  • Numerous improvements to Identification, Completion and the Web Client
  • Table Auto-Complete added to Web Client
Recognition Improvements
  • Custom dictionary support
  • Advanced configuration properties
Enterprise platform
  • Export documents and metadata to Extended ECM workspaces
  • 64-bit upgrades for selected modules
Cloud support
  • Support for Google Cloud Platform
To learn more about the new features and functionality, check out our blog post about release 16.x, and read the Release Notes.


OpenText Captiva Capture Upgrade Assitance

Is your OpenText Captiva Capture product version entering the end of support? Ecodocx is uniquely qualified to help your company upgrade to the latest version of Intelligent Capture faster and reduce risk. Our team will be happy to assist your team to assess the current environment and plan a successful upgrade using a modern software architecture that supports deployment on-premises, in the private cloud or in a hybrid environment.


OpenText Captiva Extended Support

Customers who require the flexibility to upgrade on their own schedule should consider our Extended Support offering. Extended Support will make some of the “standard support” offerings for products, like the ability to open support requests and receive critical patches for core product issues, available to customers. For more information, contact your OpenText account manager or reach out to Ecodocx directly.


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