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The Ultimate Guide on OpenText ADA and xECM for SAP Solutions

Product Comparison & Features Overview

Planning a project, but experience a lack of knowledge on OpenText Archiving and Document Access and Extended Enterprise Content Management for SAP Solutions? Download our simple slides and get the needed overview.


Unstructured data volume growth continues to plague enterprises with compliance concerns and increased legal and business risk, not to mention high storage costs and operational overhead. Content related to file system data and enterprise applications, such as SAP, make up a large part of that growth and impose significant storage costs and legal risk. Retaining all of this data is neither viable nor cost-effective, but meeting compliance does not have to be complex or involve high upfront costs.


Worldwide data creation will grow to an enormous 163 ZB by 2025. That’s ten times the amount of data produced in 2017.
(Source: IDC, Data Age 2025)


Today’s enterprises need information access, management and archiving solutions that can help manage and control data volume and complexity growth, reduce costs and expand as information governance. SAP Archiving and Document Access by OpenText and SAP Extended Enterprise Content Management by OpenText are scalable, agile and strong enterprise solutions that were built to handle these and many other challenges. But as powerful as they are, these OpenText solutions can be quite overwhelming and confusing for many SAP customers at the start of their customer journey.

As an OpenText services partner, that provides Enterprise Information Management solutions, including Customer Communications Management and Enterprise Content Management Solutions, we often get asked to provide advisory sessions and help make the right OpenText product-related business decisions.

A short time ago, one of our customers, a U.S.-based utility, asked us for advice. The company heavily relies on SAP and already implemented a few OpenText applications in cooperation with Ecodocx’s ECM team. The Information Management department is in the process of planning the next steps of their digital transformation.

The customer asked us for help on how to better understand the difference between the features and functionality of OpenText ECM platform products – SAP Archiving and Document Access by OpenText (ADA) and SAP Extended Enterprise Content Management by OpenText (xECM). The IT department was in the process of deciding whether or not invest in SAP Extended Enterprise Content Management by OpenText (xECM) in addition to the OpenText products they already have in place. Moreover, the company also wanted to hear business benefits and practical use cases. The team needed a detailed and in the same time a high-level piece of explanation, that would be easily understood not only by the technical team but also by the companies management.

Our team prepared a short product overview and comparison. We explained the difference between SAP Archiving by OpenText, SAP Archiving and Document  Access by OpenText, and SAP Extended ECM by OpenText. In our presentation, we showed the connection between the products and compared their functionality. And, we thought that this type of content could be useful for many other OpenText and SAP customers, which are looking for a simple, yet pretty detailed product differentiation. So we decided to share it. Feel free to download it by filling out the form at the right side of the page.

If your company is looking to implement SAP Archiving and Document Access by OpenText and SAP Extended Enterprise Content Management by OpenText, or other solutions, feel free to check our OpenText Service page, our Support & Maintenance Service page, or contact us directly for a free of charge consultation.





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