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Customer Communications Management (CCM) and Document Automation Solutions

Smart document automation - leave nothing to chance



Excellent service and memorable experiences

during each customer interaction


Ecodocx’s Customer Communications Management solutions make it easy to control document related work processes and keep in touch with customers by using everyday tools like email, phone, SMS, fax, and internet. Our technologies are developed to help you meet your customer’s specific needs and to deliver custom-tailored solutions for automated document generation, editing, approving, control, sorting and bundling, post-processing, output, and delivery, storage.

With more than 4,000 installations worldwide, our solutions have been used in a variety of industries to power the transformation of all types of data, in whatever file sources, formats, and systems, into relevant and insightful customer communications.

With on-premises, cloud and hybrid deployment options, our solutions are scalable to fit the needs of any department or complex enterprise environment. And, their architecture allows easy integration with core business systems to speed up key business processes.



Capture and access critical information on the go

Regardless of whether delivery notes, inspection forms, shipping documents, patient records or process audit – in the field of logistics, transport, warehousing, healthcare, insurance, engineering or construction paper-based documents occur in large quantities.

To minimize manual steps, intelligent forms can automatically fill out required fields with data from the business systems.

With our solutions, you can capture data from your forms, extract the required values, verify them if required and then forward the data to the respective backend systems. At the same time, the documents can be archived.

Related Blog Posts:
3 Successful Examples of e-Forms in Insurance
5 Reasons to Use e-Forms in Healthcare

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Making powerful statements
that bring your message on point

Turn actionable insights, billing, and analytics data into more relevant and impactful communications. From what’s on the envelope to inside the envelope, you can now have more customized content that has been recognized by Fortune 200 leaders.

Did you know, the more you personalize the communication with your customers (bills, statements, quotes, special offers), the more connected they feel to your brand. This is where customer loyalty begins and your revenue starts to increase.

Our solutions offer your employees a flexible editing environment with a secure user access level control that allows users to interactively personalize communications while streamlining the consistent use of approved content within brand guidelines, using notifications, warnings, coupons, special offers, ads etc. This drastically reduces administrative work and helps increasing brand integrity.

Typically, this module allows combining existing transaction documents with personalized interactive content based on different rules set by the company’s employees. This way, the content, size, shape of interactive ads can be set based on customer and/or transaction type, document specification etc. Documents can be generated and printed/sent or returned to the user immediately, or be sent to the approved section.

Related blog post: Bills Can Make or Break Customer Experience